
Archive for June, 2010

[Microsoft] Microsoft Is Still Huge


Sure, Microsoft may have given away its lead and legacy in mobile and probably jumped into too many hyper-competitive sectors, but they still have the widest reach in technology. And they’re still pretty damn successful.

In recent years, Microsoft may be a step or two behind, but they’re relevant in nearly every sector. And with Office 2010, a new Xbox 360, Kinect, and perhaps most importantly, Windows Phone 7, all receiving substantial upgrades this year, 2010 is shaping up to be absolutely huge for them. And that’s coming off a 2009 where Windows 7, Bing and the Zune HD were introduced. We’re just so used to Microsoft being around that we sort of take them for granted for all the good that they do.

So Microsoft revealed some numbers to serve as a reminder:

• 150 million Windows 7 licenses sold

• 7.1 million projected iPad sales in 2010
• 58 million projected netbook sales in 2010
• 355 million projected PC sales in 2010

• less than 10% of US netbooks ran Windows in 2008
• 96% of US netbooks ran Windows in 2009

• 16 million subscribers to the largest 25 US daily newspapers
• 14 million Netflix subscribers
• 23 million Xbox live subscribers

• 173 million Gmail users
• 284 million Yahoo Mail users
• 360 million Windows Live Hotmail users

• $5.7 billion Apple net income for fiscal year ending in Sept 2009
• $6.5 billion Google net income for fiscal year ending in Dec 2009
• $14.5 billion Microsoft net income for fiscal year ending in June 2009

Yes, they’re patting themselves on the back a bit but the numbers are just staggering. If you’ve forgotten, now you know: Microsoft will always be a very, very big deal.

[Official Microsoft Blog via Bits] [Source]

Categories: Microsoft

[Scriptomatic]Prepare Software inventory in just one line – PowerShell

Prepare Software Inventory with small peace of code.. Its handy..

It is a single line code If You use Power shell

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Format-Table DisplayName, Publisher, Installdate >> d:\InstalledProgrames.txt

Once you run the code in PowerShell it will create a file called ” InstalledProgrames.txt ” which containing list of installed programs in your computer to the specified directory, here in this example it will store in d:\ drive.

If you are working on Windows XP machines there is no PowerShell installed by default. In that case you can use the below command line script to get it done your task..

@echo off
If Exist d:\installedprogs.txt Del d:\installedprogs.txt regedit /e d:\regexport.txt “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall”
find “DisplayName” d:\regexport.txt >d:\regprogs.txt for /f “tokens=2 delims==” %%a in (d:\regprogs.txt) do echo %%~a >> d:\installedprogs.txt del d:\regexport.txt del d:\regprogs.txt exit

You just Copy this code and paste in to notepad and Save as “ InstalledProg.bat ” then double click to run the script..   it will create a file called installedprogs.txt in d: drive which having all the installed programs list..

Categories: Scriptomatic

Google Reader.. Best Way to keep in touch with Digital World.. [Google]

Hi today I am going to share a video which gave me One Point resource to look at brighter world..

When I am surfing for something I got an interesting video about  RSS ( Really Simple Syndication ) titled as RSS in Plain English.. after watching the video it gave me a Great Idea to keep in touch with Technology, News, Movies, Music,and anything I like from the internet..

Really its worthy to watch. I saw this video in Jun 2007, from that day onwards Google Reader saves me tremendous amount time…

Categories: Google

[Google]Gmail Redesigned Contact Cards

Gmail’s contact cards, which show up when you mouse over the sender of a message or a Gmail Chat contact, have a new interface. Action buttons are displayed at the bottom of the card and you can no longer edit the name of a  contact inline. When you click on the name of a contact, Gmail opens the contact manager.

Gmail Address

Contacts cards haven’t changed too much since 2007, when Google released a major Gmail update.

Categories: Google

[Oman]Omantel Internet services interruption: Problem with firewall or DNS Server??

June 14, 2010 1 comment

Sharply I reached office 8.00 O’clock with the long scheduled tasks like sending and checking for some important mails and to browse the  topics over the internet.. etc !!

Unfortunately My mail application saying some error..  My messengers are  waiting to login .. and finally my home page saying that there is no internet connection..

I have checked my switches, access points, and finally to my router..  there is no issues internally  or with the link to Omantel but the DNS server was showing down for sometime.. After sometime again whole PPP Server and the Default Gateway to the ISP was not responding.. finally i called up Omantel  and enquired about the issue.. they said that “ there was a technical issue and our technical team was working on that. and we don’t have any idea when it will come to online”

finally the service came to online at 12.20PM

Then I checked my whole things working fine and for the testing case I have tried with blocked sites ( obliviously ) also amazingly its working  and  there is no Page saying that “The site you are trying to access was blocked by Omantel”… bla bla bla

And I checked with yahoo voice chat Hey its Great the calls are going..


Is there any problem with Omantel’s  Firewall or they intentionally opened??

Any way there is no restriction for browsing right now..  we will see how long it would be like this..

Categories: Oman