Home > Gmail > Gmail Improves "Undo Send"

Gmail Improves "Undo Send"


Gmail has a very useful Labs feature called "undo send" that lets you "unsend" a message immediately after sending it. If you accidentally clicked on the "Send" button or you realize that you forgot to attach an important file, you have a few seconds to click on "undo" and continue to edit the message.


When Gmail launched this feature, you only had 5 seconds to undo sending a message, but Google constantly added new periods: 10 seconds, 20 seconds and now 30 seconds.

Probably a better idea would be to add an outbox, so that you can set a longer delay. Another benefit would be that you could also schedule sending an email message.

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Categories: Gmail
  1. November 7, 2010 at 11:38 am

    Actually thats a smart facility to handle Gmail Mail Queues, they intend keeping that email in queue for that specified time. Thus decreasing their load. 🙂

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