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[Scriptomatic] How to Purge the Print Queue

Some times we need to cancel all the documents in the printer queue..

Create the following batch file and run..

@echo off
echo Purging the print queue . . .
net stop Spooler
echo Deleting all print jobs . . .
ping localhost -n 4 > nul
del /q %SystemRoot%\system32\spool\printers\*.*
net start Spooler
echo Done!
ping localhost -n 4 > nul

Categories: Scriptomatic

“ Day Dreaming ” Its a Blueprint for your Future..

Daydreaming is considered as a useless activity. It is considered silly to daydream as it hampers the quality of work you put in and your productivity. In my childhood I was told that it is very wrong to daydream, and it would be worthwhile if I concentrated on studies than dream about things which I probably cannot achieve. Belief system kicks in. None of your ancestors achieved big and hence even you cannot too.

However, other than being a useless activity daydreaming may be a need for us. We need to take daydream and take it seriously. It may help you be creative in your approach. It may help you build the next big business or do what you never thought you could do. However, a dream is a dream. It cannot be measured and we cannot say if it is a small dream or a big dream. It and be measured by the duration taken to achieve them. Daydreaming relaxes your mind and makes you fell good about yourself.


Some people use daydreaming as a tool to plan and achieve their goals for they know that their daydream is more than a fairy tale and that a dream can be a potential weapon to use and therefore they dream a lot. They daydream because they have a purpose.

Daydreamers who have a purpose use the power of daydreaming to improve their lives and that of the people around them. Let me make it clear to you that daydreaming is not a dream that you have when you sleep. Daydreaming is a dream which you see when you are wide awake. It is like a blueprint for your future. It is left to you if you build a fortune or leave it dangling. In order to make your dreams a reality,

1) Keep a journal or a dairy.
2) Write down a list of goals that you thought about.
3) Write down a specific time frame within which you want to achieve your dreams.
4) Write down why you want to achieve that goal.

I think that there is more to dreaming than just considering it as a silly thought. If we dare to dream at all, let us dream big and it does not hurt much to dream big. We are the masters of our imagination. However, we need to keep our dream list updated. So, I have one thing to say. Let’s have a dream and let us dream big.

Categories: Inspiration

MS Internet Explorer going to Work Offline / Try Again (#357)

When I am trying to use internet explorer frequently its going to Work Offline

This is because of some change in the Registry..

to make it normal we need to modify the registry settings as follows..

Go to Start – > Run

type “ Regedit “ and select the path below   


And check that these two *String* keys are set to auto:
Create them if necessary!

Categories: Uncategorized

Top logo inspiration sites..

Logo moose










Logo Faves


Logo From Dreams Awards


Logo Of the Day








Categories: Inspiration

Ghadeer AL Jabel PopUp On Windows XP Logon

April 27, 2010 1 comment

Recently I faced one strange problem with  all my Windows XP systems in my network  When we login the XP machines its giving the popup as below

Ghadeer Al Jabel

and on the same system the floppy disk drive will keep on accessing.. and it will make continues noise..

why popup is coming on every logon..? why the floppy drive keeps on reading.. ??

started working on the Issue..

I suspected one process commonly on all the XP systems those are giving same popup and FDD access called windows.exe

I googled about the process information then i came to know that windows.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan(Trojan.W32.Zotob). “This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data.”

We can find More details about the windows.exe ( trojan ) in

So Immediately I ended the whole process tree from the TaskManger –> Processes then the floppy drive accessing was stopped… OHoHHhoH got some clue then i found the physical location of the windows.exe in c:\windows\system32 and I have deleted.. and restarted the system  but again its coming back then I have scanned whole system with MalwareBytesAntiMalware then the problem got resolved.. after all the discussions over the forums and Tech Sites I got the Cut Shot solution for the problem..

here I am giving you one tool for especially this PopUp, continues accessing of floppy and killing the windows.exe process

Download:GHADEER AL JABEEL PopUp Removal Tool…

Download the file run in your system,  sure it will resolve the issues….

Categories: Uncategorized