
Archive for the ‘Cloud Computing’ Category

Types of Cloud Computing

October 28, 2011 2 comments

Everyone is talking about cloud computing today, but not everyone means the same thing when they do. While there is this general idea behind the cloud – that applications or other business functions exist somewhere away from the business itself – there are many iterations that companies look to in order to actually use the technology. Cloud computing offers a variety of ways for businesses to increase their IT capacity or functionality without having to add infrastructure, personnel, and software.

TechieDreamer Cloud Bases

Here are six different types of cloud computing and a little bit about what they offer to businesses:

  1. Web-based cloud services. These services let you exploit certain web service functionality, rather than using fully developed applications. For example, it might include an API for Google Maps, or for a service such as one involving payroll or credit card processing.
  2. SaaS (Software as a Service). This is the idea of providing a given application to multiple tenants, typically using the browser. SaaS solutions are common in sales, HR, and ERP.
  3. Platform as a Service. This is a variant of SaaS. You run your own applications but you do it on the cloud provider’s infrastructure.
  4. Utility cloud services. These are virtual storage and server options that organizations can access on demand, even allowing the creation of a virtual data center.
  5. Managed services. This is perhaps the oldest iteration of cloud solutions. In this scenario, a cloud provider utilizes an application rather than end-users. So, for example, this might include anti-spam services, or even application monitoring services.
  6. Service commerce. These types of cloud solutions are a mix of SaaS and managed services. They provide a hub of services which the end-user interacts with. Common implementations include expense tracking, travel ordering, or even virtual assistant services.

These are, of course, just the beginning. There are constantly new ideas and new iterations being brought to the forefront. As cloud computing becomes a viable and even necessary option for many businesses, the types of services that providers can offer to organizations will continue to grow and grow. [ Read more ]

Categories: Cloud Computing

What IT Environment You want.. ITaS [TechieCloud]

  • Recently I came across the situation that requires a Web Application development Environment.. means I need to install the Web server, Data base server and several programming languages etc.. this whole setup is to do a moderately simple task, but I don’t want to give extra burden for my fully loaded Lappy.. moreover this installation and configuration process is again a bit lengthy process.. Then How ??
  • Sometimes I need to setup a test environment with Servers and client Systems. Again its  a big exercise to setup all the Servers, client Machines and network among them etc.
    From these two situations I thought that if I could have a ready made systems with preconfigured all necessary applications at free of cost… It sounds great naa ??

    Exactly Cloudshare providing the same thing with great choices. They are providing ITaS ( IT as a Service ) You can choose your IT environment how you would like to be. So you can have your IT Environment at your wish, and you can do what practical you want. one more exiting thing is you can setup your machines with in minutes..

    CloudsharePro providing the IT environment with 6 Machines with your chosen Operating Systems at free of cost for 15 Days. You can extend your trail period if you are interested.

    Cloudshare providing a wide range of solutions in virtualization, Here  I am explaining about CloudsharePro which is available as a free service.

    Go to CloudShare and get registered for CloudSharePro account.

    cloud share pro1

    Activate the account and login to ClousharePro

    Create your IT Environment..

    TechieDreamer cloud share ChoosingMachine


    TechieDreamer cloud share evnvironment

    You can connect to  your cloud machines through Microsoft Remote desktop console ( mstsc ) also. 

    Windows server 2008

    Have a great time in Cloud..

    Categories: Cloud Computing

    Cloud Providers DaaS, IaaS.. [ Techie Cloud ]

    Here I am going list out some of the Cloud Provides.. from the list you can understand what the DaaS ( Desktops As a Service ), IaaS ( Infrastructure as a Service )..

    TechieDreamer Cloudvendors

    Atlantis Computing offers its ILIO appliance, which it claims can shrink the storage footprint for virtual desktops by 20 times while increasing performance by a factor of 10. The company has an extensive partner list and does not attempt to offer a complete VDI solution itself.

    Desktone offers the Virtual-D platform that allows enterprises to offer virtual desktops internally, as well as for service providers to host desktops off-site. The Desktone Access Fabric links these two worlds when needed. Desktone counts Citrix as an investor.

    Viewfinity provides systems management, privileged management, and user migration using an underlying virtualization technology that encapsulates existing OSes and applications to facilitate these functions. The company needs to tighten its messaging around virtual desktops.

    Virtual Computer claims that its NxTop product is the industry’s first “bare metal” client hypervisor that provides true isolation and great performance, two issues that can be tricky for enterprises adopting virtual desktops.

    Neocleus also uses a bare metal hypervisor to create separate instances of Windows on a single machine so applications can be contained to a single operating systems. The company did a partnership deal with Big Fix earlier this year, and Big Fix was acquired by IBM in June.

    Unidesk helps customers manage virtual desktops in VMware and Citrix environments. The company’s Composite Virtualization technology separates the operating system from the application and user personalization layers for easier management. Unlike many others in this roundup, Unidesk lists a few customers on its website.

    Leostream has a Connection Broker product that leverages the infrastructure of virtualization providers like VMware, Citrix, Microsoft and IBM. Delivered as a virtual appliance, it manages the connection between end users and their virtual desktops and applications. Leostream also has a long customer list on its site.

    Pano Logic offers a range of products and software tools that it bundles within the Pano System, including the Pano Device, a small network-connected “zero client” that has no CPU or operating system and simply connects to a Windows desktop image on a central server.

    MokaFive which was founded in 2005 with a lot of noise around the concept of a LivePC has now focused squarely on the virtual desktop market. LivePCs are hosted locally, though they can be created, deployed and managed from a central location.

    RingCube offers their vDesk solution which creates personalized workspaces. These workspaces can be hosted directly on a PC, a USB drive, a network drive, or through a virtual desktop hosted on a set of virtualized servers.

    If You come across any best Cloud Provider Please share with us. 

    Data Collected from [ GigaOM ]

    Categories: Cloud Computing

    OpenStack: An Open source cloud project

    July 19, 2010 1 comment


    Today one more Open Source Cloud Project has started the Journey..

    OpenStack an open-source cloud platform, which hopes to compete with several proprietary cloud platforms including those being developed by Microsoft and VMware. RackSpace is spearheading the project and is donating the code that powers its Cloud Files and Cloud Servers to the OpenStack project. The project is also going to incorporate technology from the Nebula Cloud Platform developed by NASA.



    Here are the key components of the platform:

    • a fully distributed object store based on Rackspace Cloud Files. (Available now for download.)
    • a scalable compute-provisioning engine based on the NASA Nebula cloud technology and Rackspace Cloud Servers. (Available later this year.)

    Research Report: Defining 

    Internal Cloud Options: From Appistry to VMware

    Using the OpenStack software, any company can turn physical hardware into an internal/hybrid cloud platform. The new open source platform, which is going to be made available under an Apache license, will be maintained by a not-for-profit organization. Rackspace and NASA are adopting the platform as well. In addition, Rackspace is going to funnel resources and developers into the project to support the adoption of OpenStack by corporations and service providers.

    So far, the group has gained a lot of support, mostly from vendors. Nearly 25 companies (big and small) such as Intel, Citrix, Riptano, Dell,, AMD and Scalr have signed on for the new platform. An OpenStack Design Summit hosted by Rackspace was held July 13-16 in Austin, where more than 100 technical advisors, developers and founding members joined to validate the code and ratify the project roadmap.

    Have a Look at  OpenStack..

    Categories: Cloud Computing