
Posts Tagged ‘BackToWebLog’

TechieDreamer is Back to Web Log..

September 24, 2011 1 comment

Hi Everybody.. 

First of All my sincere apologies to One and all..

Due to unexpected circumstances I got diversified to my dreaming notes for quite long time.. Still fighting with the situations.. even though, It was the time to take bold step to keep myself up and running.

I am feeling great to share that I am working for CSC India Pvt Ltd.. Off course most of you know that it was my dream company to work with and about my efforts to reach it.. its been 3months with CSC now, learnt a lot about work process and added so many amendments to my routine activities..

Thanks to one and all who supported me in a situations where I have failed to deal alone..



I Will put my best efforts to engage often with my updates here.. Please be with Me..

Yours TechieDreamer…

Categories: Inspiration