
Posts Tagged ‘ITaS’

What IT Environment You want.. ITaS [TechieCloud]

  • Recently I came across the situation that requires a Web Application development Environment.. means I need to install the Web server, Data base server and several programming languages etc.. this whole setup is to do a moderately simple task, but I don’t want to give extra burden for my fully loaded Lappy.. moreover this installation and configuration process is again a bit lengthy process.. Then How ??
  • Sometimes I need to setup a test environment with Servers and client Systems. Again its  a big exercise to setup all the Servers, client Machines and network among them etc.
    From these two situations I thought that if I could have a ready made systems with preconfigured all necessary applications at free of cost… It sounds great naa ??

    Exactly Cloudshare providing the same thing with great choices. They are providing ITaS ( IT as a Service ) You can choose your IT environment how you would like to be. So you can have your IT Environment at your wish, and you can do what practical you want. one more exiting thing is you can setup your machines with in minutes..

    CloudsharePro providing the IT environment with 6 Machines with your chosen Operating Systems at free of cost for 15 Days. You can extend your trail period if you are interested.

    Cloudshare providing a wide range of solutions in virtualization, Here  I am explaining about CloudsharePro which is available as a free service.

    Go to CloudShare and get registered for CloudSharePro account.

    cloud share pro1

    Activate the account and login to ClousharePro

    Create your IT Environment..

    TechieDreamer cloud share ChoosingMachine


    TechieDreamer cloud share evnvironment

    You can connect to  your cloud machines through Microsoft Remote desktop console ( mstsc ) also. 

    Windows server 2008

    Have a great time in Cloud..

    Categories: Cloud Computing